Thursday Therapy at Schofield Hotel

The snow and gridlock on the roads did not put a damper on our Thursday Therapy in January at the Schofield Hotel. Wedding professionals enjoyed yummy small bites like crab cakes and bacon wrapped dates stuffed with sausage while sipping signature cocktails. We added a twist to TT by creating a challenge to collect the most business cards from other wedding professionals. Bob was fortunate enough to receive a fabulous Distinct CLE crate filled with local goodies! Bronwen with Twig Floral created elegant floral arrangements that tied to the mid-century modern decor of the hotel. The best part of the evening was donations everyone brought for Akron Snow Angels! They filled a WHOLE car! And of course, thank you to Black Box Photography for capturing the evening! Join us next month on February 2nd at Molly Taylor and Co. A note for Akron Snow Angels......

We want to extend a sincere thank you for hosting the donation drive for Akron Snow Angels at your January 5th Thursday Therapy event. The items collected that day filled an entire car! Each and every article of clothing and all the toiletries donated will be given directly to someone in need. 

Our mission is to spread warmth and connect with the most vulnerable in our community by providing basic essentials and fostering compassionate friendships while inspiring others to do the same. Twice a month from November through April, we go on “missions” to homeless camps and areas surrounding shelters to provide lunches, toiletries, underwear, socks, cold-weather accessories, gently used clothing and coats.  We also take requests for items, such as backpacks, boots, sleeping bags, and bus passes, and do our best to quickly procure the items and deliver to the requestor. 

Our goal is not to just drop off a lunch and a jacket and walk away. We connect with the impoverished to determine needs and form relationships.  Our volunteers take the time to see how they can make a difference for these individuals, along with providing them with the necessary items that they are unable to provide for themselves.  We help them to find housing, jobs, and anything else they need to get back on their feet.

We couldn't do what we do without the generosity of the community and people like you.

We appreciate you helping us to Spread the Warmth to those in need this winter!

-ErinVictor & the Akron Snow Angels Board of Directors
